Our service platform nageruHive
It is a service platform to acquire, interpret, process, transform, store and retrieve data of all kinds.
The chain of services can be adapted to different input, output or processing needs and is designed to maximize performance in information processing.
Applies all the knowledge acquired by the team to eliminate complexity from data management processes and facilitate its use by all those who need it, regardless of whether they have technical training or not.

For what do you use it?
nageruHive is used as an information gateway between systems that are not directly connected but the information of which needs to be accessible at both ends.
nageruHive automates the application of processes on all types of data, whether structured or not.
nageruHive prepares the information that needs to be stored and preserved in the long term, applying the defined plans and ensuring the most efficient use of available resources.
nageruHive manipulates large volumes of information (on the order of PB/year) and makes it accessible in the time required by users, dynamically scaling as necessary
nageruHive helps to discover what information is relevant from a data set for a certain use
nageruHive unifies access to heterogeneous sources of information, facilitating regulatory compliance and the use of these
All kinds of data
Standard metadata or flexible schemas
File or embedded metadata
From file systems or SFTP and other similar services
Connectors with data production applications
Automatic collection
Format validation
Metadata validation
Checksum verification
Metadata extraction
Automatic classification of texts and images
Manuscript interpretation
OAIS long-term preservation
Compatible preservation packages eArchiving, iArxiu and bagIt
Configurable process chains
Preservation plan
Dynamic scaling in the process
Advanced search engine
Immediate or delayed download
Advanced query language
Web portal
Adapters for delivery to query, preservation and storage applications
Budget Control
Reports generation
Adaptive storage media management
Multiple layers of storage
PetaByte Scale
Bit-level preservation
Compatible piqlFilm, SONY ODA, cloud and local magnetic infrastructure
Multi-cloud agnostic
Customer Benefits
Fully automatic information processing processes
Prepared for high volumes of information
Dynamically scalable according to needs
Adaptable to different types of data and process flows
Integrable with any application, both input and output
Extensible with new access or transformation services
Platform independent of infrastructure providers
pay as you go
OAIS compliant for digital preservation
Efficient and dynamic storage
Access to information with search and navigation
Integration with REST APIs
Team with more than 20 years of experience in solving complex problems in large companies and institutions